The Rate Plugin

The rate plugin replaces radio buttons with a more visually attractive control using images of your choice. It works with ratings systems using whole numbers on a scale of 1 - n.

With the plugin, this:

example before rate plugin

can be converted easily to this:

example of rate plugin in action

The plugin displays existing ratings and provides the ability to set the rating by clicking on the images. It was written by Kevin Rattan, requires jQuery 1.7+ and is distributed freely under the GNU and MIT licenses.

The plugin has a single method .rate() which accepts an object literal argument, e.g.:

                innerElm: '.ReplaceMe',
                imagePath: 'icons/'

Options can also be set using the metadata plugin. Check out the following samples:


The plugin can now be downloaded from GitHub at

The plugin has the following options


A valid jQuery selector that matches all the elements to be hidden and replaced by the images (e.g the id of a containing element such as a div or fieldset)

Default value: '#ratingRadios'


The path to the images

Default value: '/Content/Icons/'


The image to be shown for numbers greater than the current rating (either as selected, or in relation to the mouse's current position)

Default value: 'False.png'


The image to be shown for numbers less than or equal to the current rating (either as selected, or in relation to the mouse's current position)

Default value: 'True.png'


The width of the images in pixels (without 'px')

Default value: '21'


The number of radio buttons to be replaced (the rating will be between 1 and this number)

Default value: '5'

[radioName - DEPRECATED - no longer used in version 1.3

The value of the name attribute of the group of radio buttons to be replaced

Default value: 'rating']